
String is a two-act “musical fable,” about the preciousness of life, its fragility and beauty. The three Greek Fates control the fate of every human being: Clotho, who spins the string of our lives; Lachesis, who measures the string of our life-spans; and Atropos, who cuts the string, ending our lives. They weave all of the cut strings into the tapestry of history and eternity, but when Atropos fails to cut a string, chaos ensues.

Set in modern day, Abigail wanted to highlight the contemporary fashion trends of today by incorporating a mixture of vintage and modern styles. Wanting to show the Fates in their traditional Greek sense at the top of the show, Abigail designed the Fates’ modern looks with hints of gold, silver, and bronze accents, and nods to their jobs as the determiners of life. Other characters are tied by color to their status, and have a similar color palette to the set, establishing that office building is their world, while the Fates are in bright jewel tones, with metallic and rhinestones elements to set them apart.

Creative Team

Director: Eric Forsythe

Stage Manager: Taylor Jackson

Scenic: R. Eric Stone

Costume: Abigail Mansfield Coleman

Lighting & Media: Bryon Winn

Photos by R. Eric Stone, Miranda Meyer, & Kaelen Novak


The Nutcracker


Braided Sorrow