With music by Rodgers and Hammerstein this story follows the romance of Billy Bigelow, a charming carousel barker, and Julie Jordan, a pretty worker from a nearby mill. When the young couple gets married, they also both find themselves unemployed, which puts a strain on their relationship. When Billy finds out that Julie is pregnant, he resorts to extreme measures to get money, a decision that leads to tragedy. Billy must learn the lesson of love and the vulnerability that brings in order to reconcile his past mistakes.
Creative Team
Director: Sherrie Peterson
Choreographer: Faith Im
Scenic & Lighting: Ted Thomas
Costume: Abigail Mansfield Coleman
Photos by Hannah Duvall
Julie Jorden: Elizabeth J. Drake
Billy Bigelow: Blaise Phillips
Carrie Pipperidge: Madison Breford
Nettie Fowler: Dayela Lima
Enoch Snow: DJ Conner
Jigger Crain: Cole Smith
Mrs. Mullin: Emily Tumlin
Starkeeper: Hannah Autry
Louise: Emily Frederick
Ensemble: Hannah Autry, Issac Brackett, Marissa Brown, Emily Frederick, Destiny Garza, Andrew Givens, Antonio Givens, Will Gowens, Carmen Munoz, Baraka Salumu, Asa Stallings, Lindsay Williams